To Win Some, Part 4


Welcome back everybody to the fourth and last blog in this series - To Win Some!

If you haven’t seen parts 1, 2, or 3, please check them out!

Today we are going to wrap up everything with three S questions – Who are you going serve? Who’s or what story are you going to tell? And, third, well…our last question will be saved to the end so stick around and keep reading!

On a very personal level, To Win Some happens when we go out and share the gospel face to face with people. In 1 Corinthians 9 (which, by the way, is where our title To Win Some comes from) Paul tried, went, asked, preached, and always went above and beyond to reach the lost. He tried to live His utmost for God’s highest. And he worked to help, empower, encourage, and equip others to win some.

So, here’s the first question: Who are you going to serve in 2021? Which fellow brother or sister or church are you going to spend time with to help them shine for the cause of Christ -to help catapult them in their Christian witness?

You do know that something wonderful takes place when we help a person or church fulfill their mission and we take our narcissistic eyes off ourselves and our ministries? Look at what Philippians 2:4 says: consider others and value others above yourselves. Here’s an example: Anthony is a missionary in a seriously atheistic part of Europe, and I had the privilege to help tell his story to his partners. This was the case for Pete, Angie, Todd and his family, as well as a wonderful swiss Christian conference center that needed video footage for advertisement and the website.

And let’s not forget the sixty some young people who came to Europe to serve with GEM. Their stories are totally amazing! And they were so fired up when they returned to the USA with buckets of stories, pictures, and videos to update to their supporters and churches.

My friends, we are all in this together. We are co-laborers in Christ. You need to know that I am so excited for when the regulations lighten up because that means I can travel again to other parts of Europe and serve to help tell other people’s GOD stories.

Friends, I want to remind all of us who follow Christ in this generation that we will have much to account for. It’s a stewardship issue. Why? Because of Luke 12 - He who has been given much, much will be expected. It’s important to understand that because of the Internet and the knowledge that we posses as a result of being on it. Even being entrusted with smart phones, we need to start pushing the envelope! What do I mean? We need to jam-pack the Internet with God stories!

Let’s all start or continue using what we know and what we have to build God’s kingdom. I want to be your guide – to help you live a missional life right where you are.

This leads me to question 2 which is about your smart phone. Who’s story or what story are you going to tell ? Let me unpack this a little bit. Could you even imagine Martin Luther, DL Moody, John Calvin, or The Apostle Paul with a smart phone? What would they post? Hmmmm, maybe I should consider making a separate vlog about that! Let’s face it, being able to capture time at the ease of our fingertips is a gift. The value of images we post can be loaded with details about God’s faithfulness. And Paul reminds us that we are the LETTER. We are part of the STORY – God’s redemption.

That’s why the New Testament uses the word REMEMBER almost 150 times. We are prone to forget God’s fingerprints. Let this reminder from Joshua 4 captivate us and motivate us to boast on God. Do you know what these people had for a reminder so they wouldn’t forget what God did? It was a pile of rocks. They raised up an Ebenezer. They didn’t want to forget.

I don’t want to forget either. I can’t believe that this September, 2021, will mark an amazing seven years of serving the Swiss and Germans. That’s over 150 vlogs ago! Why do I mention this anniversary? Because all those precious videos on YOUTUBE are not only mine but our Ebenezers. They are the fully illustrated blueprints of the faithful God we serve. We dare not forget! Some of us we need to get the immunization against forgetfulness. The memories of what God has done for us should be building blocks of confidence and motivation for our tomorrows. Looking back and remembering pushes us forward to seize all that God has for us without fear or anxiety.

So who’s story or what story are you going to tell in 2021? Friends, all I am saying here is go out. Be intentional. Capture time. Capture the story. Honor God. And then retell it to everyone! You don’t have to be a Steven Spielberg. I for sure am not, but with practice - watch out!

So, let me summarize. Question 1 was who are you going to serve? Question 2 is who’s or what story are you going to tell?

And now we’ve saved the best for last! I share with you specifically who is reading and might be curious about the Christian faith. Or maybe you’ve been part of a religious system but void of really understanding what God did for you. It is by no chance that you clicked on this blog. I want to boldly and lovingly tell you that all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. And it is only thru Jesus Christ that we can be made right with Him. His grace is extended to you at this very moment!

It’s by this grace a person is saved thru faith not by works. The God of Heaven loves you profoundly and gave His greatest Gift, His only son crucified on the cross for your sins yesterday today and tomorrow. Every single sin will be washed away and you won’t have to pay the penalty - Christ did! I ask you to please humble yourself, repent of your sins, and believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. You see, if you understand the Gospel and trust Christ today - Jesus wins! And you will have a glorious eternal home with him in heaven.

Well friends, what other way could we conclude this? What other story could we have possibly told that is more important than the story of Jesus? Jesus Christ is the ultimate soul winner and by His grace we follow in the blueprints laid out for us. So, as we wrap up things, you need to know that this series, To Win Some, birthed something very special. The bad news is that it’s a massive surprise. I hate to do this to you but you’re going to have to wait. But trust me - a team of people have been hard at work getting ready for the big launch. Don’t worry - you won’t miss it! Please continue to pray for me as I attempt to win some here in Germany and Switzerland. And don’t forget to check out parts 1, 2, and 3 of this series To Win Some!

Kevin Flierl